14 Day Free Trial
A 14 day free trial period exists for all new licenced pool Inspector’s who register as members which allows them to experience and familiarize themselves with the Pool Inspection App at no cost after which they can elect to operate under a selected monthly option package.
For bookings, scheduling, undertaking inspections, invoicing, issuing notices and certificates, cloud storage and much more …and all in one app. It’s not just an app to do basic inspections but a complete business tool for pool inspectors.
Trainee 30 Day Free Trial
Trainee members have an unlimited free trial period of 30 days without the requirement to be qualified and licenced. It is designed as a learning experience. They can fully undertake the inspection process and complete certificates/notices. These certificates will however not be signed off by an inspector. Printed copies may however be made for signing-off manually by their mentor registered pool inspector and may be kept for their Licensing purposes. Following this 30 day free trial period, if they wish to continue undertaking pre-inspections or be provided with these printed certificates/notices, they will be required to select the special $50 unlimited monthly package before continuing.
Simple and affordable
There are no up-front fees or hidden charges to members and no annual membership fee. Our monthly fee structure is invoiced and auto deducted at the end of each month and designed to provide all members with greater flexibility over their costs.
There are 3 price package options for licensed inspectors to select from. The monthly package choice is yours and is based on your current and projected monthly inspections. You choose. All fees are inclusive of GST. A small cloud storage and service fee of ten dollars also applies on a monthly basis.
There is a special $50 monthly price package option for all Trainees following the Free trial period. This is an unlimited inspection package available only until they become licensed.
Flexible monthly packages
The inspector package options are based on inspections completed within each month and makes no distinction between an initial inspection or a re-inspection so please select the package that best meets your needs.
All options are based on a calendar month commencing the 1st day of each month. You can change your package at any time in advance but remember, they commence at the start of each month and cannot be changed mid-month.
The package options
Package 1
up to 10 inspections per month then $10 per inspection
Package 2
up to 25 inspections per month then $10 per inspection
Package 3
unlimited inspections
per month